Designing for utopia or dystopia? People and planetary health at a crossroads.

Menno Hinkema from TNO, presented Homes4Life at the 3rd Healthy City Design 2019 International Congress in London, 14-15 Oct. 2019, UK.

This International Congress & Exhibition is a global forum for the exchange of knowledge on the research, policy and practice of designing healthy and sustainable cities and communities. 

Menno Hinkema, TNO, at HEALTY CITY DESIGN 2019

The presentation was held in a parallel track entitled “Designing for ageing” chaired by Hugh Barton, Emeritus Professor of planning, health and sustainability in the WHO Collaborating Centre at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

Session “Designing for Ageing” at HEALTY CITY DESIGN 2019

Interesting discussion have permitted dissemination of Homes4Life’ existence and focus to a UK audience of architects and designers, property developers, urban planners, and public authority representatives.

Learn more about HEALTY CITY DESIGN 2019 at